South Wales Police Case Judge Refuses Me Permission to Appeal to Court of Appeal on Politically Sensitive Struck Out Issues

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Posted By : Maurice Kirk Views : 106
Date Added : 02-10-2011


1. Struck Out as police 'malice' not indicated, in the pleadings, when police not even bothered to interview the identified thieves, one caught on video, at their home addresses ?

2. Struck Out for my originally pleading guilty, for fear of my life, just after being beaten up in both custody, with police obliterating custody tapes but caught on their own street  video camera (see video gallery) ?

3. Struck Out because one remaining  conviction stands, carrying a sentance of 'no fine' or 'penalty points', my pleading guilty to crossing a single white line at 4mph to avoid wobbling cyclist when,, confirmed by judge, no danger to others ?

4. Struck Out despite the reason for my arrest and imprisonment, 'Breach of the Peace', was withdrawn, without being heard with its relevance withheld from both magistrates and the Crown Prosecutor appeal court barrister who, upon finding out, took the trouble to inform the RCVS, afterwards, in writing, it was Mr Kirk that recieved the first bvlow (across the face) at the 1978 Cowbridge Show, by a recently retired police inspector and had he had been shown the full CPS file he would have refused to oppose my Crown Court appeal and as the prosecuting solictor, in the magistrates court, had refused to giver evidence in the Crown Court witness box , stating, "for fear of incriminating myself" ?

5. Sruck Out despite my nurse hearing the police in the back of the court say, "We will get the ***" ?

When will we return to an independant judiciary based on the rule of law and not so much on discretion?




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