A friendly 'onlooker' has been so concerned about Maurice's (the Claimant) health deteriorating, while nobody seems to care, except for the Defendant's lawyers running up their costs well above £800,000, that he wrote this 'legal framework' for considering the case as a whole.

In essence, "On the Ethics, Philosophy and Politics of Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police" makes the following points:

  • human rights law needs to be considered: Article 6 of the EU Convention on Human Rights - the right to a fair trial
  • Oppression by police can be better explained now
  • South Wales Police seek to avoid Fair, Proportionate & Proper Administration of Justice 
  • Human Rights & Proportionality in a democratic society
  • Explanation of 'unusual', 'extreme' and 'indefinite'
  • Remedy and the Defendant's lawyers' attempts to erode democracy.